Tuesday, May 3, 2011

What a difference two years makes...

Wow, I can't believe it has been two years since I have written. A lot has happened in that time! First of all, my son is now 3 years old, and we have added another addition to our family, a daughter on March 6th, 2011. It is amazing to watch how fast Brody and Zoe are growing.

I am currently on maternity leave with little Zoe girl. Brody is still going to daycare a few days a week (since we are still paying full price). I have been enjoying my time at home with Zoe, but really miss Brody when he is at daycare. However, I know that he needs the social interaction of playing with his friends.

I say that I am on maternity leave, but in actuality, I have resigned from my teaching position. My husband has been accepted into a PhD program in Strategic Management at the University of Illinois in Champaign, IL. We will be moving in early August. My position was just filled today (my long term sub actually got my job). A little weird to think that I won't be going back, but I do get to go back and begin the fun task of tearing down my classroom in a few weeks. Not only will I be tearing it down, but I will be packing it away for the last time.

Since we are moving, I will be taking a year off to help my family adjust to the move. We have an eight hour move/drive to our new place. I am excited about this new chapter in our life, but am a little nervous about the move with two kids. I am also very happy that I will get to stay home for awhile. I don't think that I'll go too crazy, but we'll see. My hubby thinks that I will be nuts soon. I am going to enjoy my time off tremendously.

All of this decision making happened about the time that I had my daughter. Throw in a grad class that started the day after I gave birth, and the month of March was a little nuts. The class is now done and I have a week off before my next one starts. I am going to take the year to finish my Master's degree.

I have mixed feelings about being done with my job. I was so burnt out on it, but found myself feeling very nostalgic about it. Recently, there was an episode on HIMYM about this. I told my hubby that I can't believe that I am actually done, and he reminded me that I was in the nostalgic phase. It's almost like a phase of grief. I am so glad to be done with my job, but am nervous about how I will do as a stay at home mom. After I had my son, this is all I wanted to do. I cried for the last week of my maternity leave because I didn't want to go back. Now, I have gotten what I wanted, but it is under much different circumstances. I already feel like a failure. It is amazing if all I get accomplished during the day is grad class homework.

So during the month of March, I found myself giving birth to my second child, making a life-changing decision about my hubby's future career path, resigning from my teaching job of eight years, and becoming a stay at home mom. Holy crap!

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